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223+ Best Cheese Jokes: A Deliciously Cheesy Compilation
Are you a cheese lover looking for some cheesy humor? Look no further! We've compiled the best cheese jokes to make you smile, laugh, and maybe even cringe a little. From classic puns to clever one-liners, these jokes are bound to brighten your day.
Cheese Puns
- Absence makes the heart grow fondue.
- Anything you can do, I can do feta.
- Cheese Louise!
- Come to cheddar, right now. Over brie.
- Did you hear the cheesy weather forecast? Rain with light Bries.
- Do you want to hear a cheesy joke? Nevermind, it's no gouda.
- Gouda luck!
- Gouda take the good with the bad.
- He's a real munster.
- How did the cheese runner lose the race? He tripped on the final curdle.
- In queso emergency…
- Kick it to the curd!
- Praise Cheeses!
- Set your mind at cheese.
- Sweet dreams are made of cheese.
- Take it cheesy.
- What classical music does cheese love? Mozart-ella.
- What did one cheese say to the other during philosophy class? I dis a brie.
- What did Shakespeare say as he was making a cheese plate? To brie or not to brie.
- What did the cheese say to the therapist? I camembert it any longer.
- What did the grilled cheese sandwich say to their date? You make me melt.
- What do you call a cheese's enemy? His arch nemeswiss.
- What do you say to someone who is trying to steal your cheese? This is nacho cheese.
- What does a cheese shout at slasher movie? Look out, the killer's brie-hind you.
- What happened after the cheese factory exploded? There was nothing left but de-brie.
- What happened when the air conditioning in the cheese factory broke? There was a meltdown.
- What is a cheese diet? Eating curds and weigh.
- What is cheese without a cracker? Crackalackin.
- What is cheese's favorite pasta? Feta-cine.
- What kind of music does cheese listen to? R'n'brie.
- What pickup line works on cheese? This might sound cheesy, but I think you're really grate.
- What's a cheese's favorite holiday? Halloumi-ween.
- What's a cheese's favorite TV channel?The Brie Brie C.
- What's the fanciest cheese hotel? The Stilton.
- When shouldn't you believe a word your cheese is saying? When it's too Gouda be true.
- Where did the cheese go on vacation? The Golden Grate Bridge.
- Which cheese does the pope like most? Swiss cheese, it's holey.
- Who cares if you're alone-y, just eat some macaroni.
- Who is the smartest cheese? Cheese Whiz.
- Who were the first cheese lovers ever? Edam and Eve
- Why did the cheese start lifting weights at the gym? To get shredded.
- Why did the parmesan swipe left on the cheddar? His pick-up line was too cheesy.
- Why didn't the cheese want to get sliced? It had grater plans.
- Why is Christmas the cheesiest holiday? Because of baby cheese-us.
- You think you're feta than me?
Nacho Cheese
- Don't touch! They're nachos.
- Nacho average person.
- Nacho problem.
- This is nacho thing.
- A girl had an addiction to cheddar cheese but it was only mild.
- A good way to start a conversation with a cheese plate on Tinder is to ask 'is it brie you're looking for?'.
- A guy opened up a store where they only sell Swiss cheese. It's a hole business strategy.
- I was told my jokes were cheesy, but I think they're pretty Gouda.
- If Cinderella made pizzas for a living, would she be called Mozzarella?
- It's getting kind of serious with a cheese lover when they tell you they are pretty fondue you.
- Last night, I watched a documentary about mozzarella cheese. It was G-rated.
- My wife spent years perfecting macaroni and cheese from the box. It took a long time, but she finally honed her Kraft.
- This might sound so cheesy, but I think you are really grate.
- When mozzarella, cheddar, and parmesan rent a small beach house together its called cottage cheese.
Birthday Jokes
- Don't be blue, you're not old, you're just mature.
- Happ-brie Birthday
- I hope you have a Gouda day
- Three cheese for your birthday!
- You've aged better than cheese and wine.
Brie Jokes
- Do you brie-lieve in magic?
- Have a brie-lliant birthday!
- Hello, is it brie you're looking for?
- Hoping today is as nice as can brie.
- I beg to disabrie.
- Let it brie.
- Let's agree to disabrie.
- Let's brie friends forever.
- My favorite kind of music is R&Brie.
- Please brie mine.
- To brie or not to brie.
- Wait for me. I'll brie back.
- Where would I brie without you?!
- Would you brie mine?
- You brie long with me.
- You will always brie a part of me.
Christmas Jokes
- Enjoy the Christmas festivi-cheese.
- Happ-brie Christmas
- Hope your cheesmas is a cracker
- I chose your gift very Caerphilly
- Little baby cheesus
Flirty Jokes
- Edam you're looking fine.
- Edammmm, you're looking fine
- Hey, you're looking sharp.
- I Camembert to be with you
- I had fondue you think we can do this again?
- I love holding hands, when your parmesan mine
- I would be so provolone without you.
- I'm really fondue you.
- I've Stiltons of love for you
- We're so much better to Cheddar
- You are looking mozzare-hella good.
- You are so grate.
- You're my Roquefort ever.
Gouda Jokes
- Gouda luck on your studies!
- It's a gouda sign.
- It's really gouda to have you here.
- Life's so gouda.
- Talk to you later. I gouda go.
Mac and Cheese Jokes
- I once told a joke about macaroni. It was pretty cheesy.
- It's impastable not to love macaroni and cheese
- Me to my mac and cheese: I am so glad I fondu you.
- Me to my spicy mac and cheese bowl: Just in queso you didn't know, I really love you.
- This may be cheesy, but I think mac and cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is really grate.
Best Jokes
- Did you hear about the cheese lover who took his girlfriend for granted? How dairy.
- What cheese is made backwards? Edam.
- What did the ball of mozzarella say as it was getting shredded? I'm falling to pizzas.
- What did the man say when someone threw dough, tomato sauce, and cheese at him? You wanna pizza me?
- What does a cheese say when they look in the mirror in the morning? Halloumi.
- What does a real cheese freak say when they come to your door? I'd like to talk to you about Cheesus.
- What kind of cheese makes the best music? Brieoncé.
- What kind of cheese to beavers eat? Edam.
- A guy drove past me in his car and threw a lump of cheddar at me. I thought to myself That's mature!
- A kid threw a lump of cheddar at me. I thought 'that's not mature'
- Did you buy a lot of cheese today? Yes, I bought a Tunworth!
- Did you hear about the explosion at the cheese factory? There was de brie everywhere!
- Did you hear about the man who painted his wife? He Double Gloucester!
- Do you know why Christmas in Cheeseland is considered to be the cheesiest time of the year? Because it is the time of the year when cheese-us was born.
- How did the cheese ghost scare the crackers? It was hiding brie-hind the container.
- How did the cheese paint his wife? He double Gloucester.
- How does cheese get curly hair? It gets a perm-esean
- How much cheese did the Gordon family buy for the holidays? A Tunworth.
- I wanted cottage with my meal.
- So I ordered from the a la curd menu!
- What cheese can you disguise a small horse with? Mascapone.
- What cheese can you use to clean your teeth? Dental schloss
- What cheese did the basketball player eat before his big game? Swish cheese.
- What cheese do you use to coax a bear out of the woods with? Camembert.
- What costume does cheese wear on Halloween? It dresses up like a muenster
- What d'you say to get rid of an old French cheese? It's Tomme to go.
- What dance does cheese do on Halloween? The Munster Mash
- What did cheddar say to Gouda? I need to asiago you a question.
- What did I do with my cheese handkerchief? I bleu my nose!
- What did Mr Cheese say to the shop assistant when she selected the wrong size dress for his wife? That won't Feta!
- What did one cheese say to cheer the other up? You're a gouda friend, it's gonna brie ok.
- What did one cheese say to the other? I'm quite fondue you.
- What did the block of cheese say to the taco? Let's shred light on the matter.
- What did the cheddar say when he tried on a blazer? I look sharp!
- What did the cheese do with a Kleenex? It bleu its nose.
- What did the cheese say in the haunted house? I gotta get out of here, I'm lac-ghost intolerant.
- What did the cheese say to cheer their friend on? I brie-lieve in you!
- What did the cheese say to her boyfriend? We look gouda to-feta.
- What did the cheese say to his boss when he quit? I'm leaving this place! I'm feta up!
- What did the cheese say to its doctor? Help me doc! I Camembert the pain any longer!
- What did the cheese say to the sales clerk when she brought her the wrong size? This dress doesn't feta.
- What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror? Halloumi!
- What did the detective cheese say to the suspect cheese? I smell something swiss-picious.
- What did the detective say to the suspected cheese thief? I believe you've been up to no gouda.
- What did the man say when someone threw dough, tomato sauce, and cheese at him? You wanna pizza me?!
- What did the person say when they ate too much cheese? My clothes won't feta.
- What did the piece of Cheddar say to the ghost? I'm Lac-ghost intolerant!
- What did the queen say when someone through cheese at her? …….How Dairy
- What did the teenage cheese yell at its parents? Leave me provolone!
- What do cheese markers dance to on Halloween? The Muenster mash!
- What do cheese salesmen say? That cheese may be Gouda, but this one is Feta!
- What do they shout out at Pantomimes? He's Brie-hind you!
- What do you call a cheese factory in the Middle East? Cheeses of Nazareth.
- What do you call a cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese!
- What do you call a dinosaur made of cheese? Gorgonzilla
- What do you call a grilled cheese sandwich that's all up in your face? Too close for comfort food.
- What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese
- What do you call hawks made of cheese? Curds of prey.
- What do you do to make a mouse smile? Say cheese!
- What do you say when you have cheese but no crackers? I'm cracklackin!
- What does a cheese alcoholic call for? Morbier!
- What does a lady in a mall do with a cheesy credit card? Go on a shopping brie.
- What does cheese ask for at the pub? Morbier!
- What does cheese say to itself in the mirror? Halloumi.
- What does cheese say to itself in the mirror? Looking Gouda!
- What does cheese shout at slasher movies? Look out! The killer's brie-hind you!
- What group of cheese has been known to fly? Curds of prey!
- What happened to Moira at the cheese and wine party? She got Schloss-ed.
- What is a lion's favourite cheese? Roarquefort
- What is Jay Z's favourite cheese? Brieonce
- What is Tom Hanks' favorite soft cheese? Philadelphia.
- What is your favorite sushi condiment? Wasabrie.
- What kind of cheese do rodents like? Mousearella.
- What kind of music does cheese like? Roquefort 'n' Roll
- What kind of weather is extra cheesy? Partly cloudy with a light bries.
- What made the cheese tasting date so special? It was a sunny day with cool bries.
- What music do cheese lovers listen to? R n Brie
- What other kind of music does cheese listen to? R'n'brie
- What type of cheese is made backwards? Edam.
- What would be a Cornish pirate's favourite cheese? Yarrrrrrg. (S Humprery)
- What's a pirate's favourite cheese? CheddAaaaaarrrrrrgh!
- What's the best cheese to tempt a bear out of the woods? Camembert
- What's a Pirates favourite cheese? Chedd-AAR.
- What's Mickey's favorite cheese? Mouse-erella
- What's the cheesiest line in Shakespeare? To brie, or not to brie, that is the question!
- What's the most popular American cheese sitcom? Curd Your Enthusiasm.
- When can't you see a cheese? When it's pasteurised.
- When should you go on a cheese diet? If you need to cheddar a few pounds.
- When should you keep an eye on your cheese? When it's up to no Gouda!
- Where's the cheese grater? Some say Italy, others say France. Depends on what you like.
- Which cheese is a cannibal's favorite? Limburger
- Which cheese is an alcoholic? Livarot.
- Which cheese is the smartest? Cheese Whiz.
- Which search engine is popular amongst mice? Ask Cheese.
- Why can't you make clothes out of cheese? Because fromage frays!
- Why did cheddar think the cottage cheese went bad? It curdled.
- Why did Lewis Hamilton have too much cheese? Because he won the Grand Brie!
- Why did the cheese lose a fight with a stone? Because the Roquefort back.
- Why did the cheese refuse to be cut? He had grater plans for his life.
- Why did the cheese turn down the offer? It sounded to gouda to be true
- Why did the chicken cross the road made of cheese? He wanted to feta to the other side.
- Why did the clown leave the cheese circus? Because he couldn't get his Stilton. (C Trial)
- Why did the French washed rind jump off a bridge? He couldn't take it any Langres. (A Jacob)
- Why did the Greek woman stop eating cheese? Because she was getting Feta and Feta.
- Why did the wheel act so bossy? Cause he was the Big Cheese.
- Why did they smother the burrito in cheese sauce? It was the best queso scenario.
- Why does cheese look sane? Because everything else on the plate is crackers.
- Why does everyone love mozzarella? It's cheesygoing.
- Why does the Swiss cheese have holes? Because it wants to keep it light.
- Why was the cheese sent to his room? He needed to mature.
- Why was the cheesemonger lopsided? He only had one Stilton.
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